
Pooch Cluster Software For Mac

Cluster provides a Graphical User Interface to access to the clustering routines. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/Unix. Python users can access the clustering routines by using Pycluster, which is an extension module to Python. Open APIs & Applications. Single point of support. The Best of Both. Interaction of cluster software stack with interconnect. Pooch by Dauger.

The following tables compare general and technical information for notable computer clustersoftware. This software can be grossly separated in four categories: Job scheduler, nodes management, nodes installation and integrated stack (all the above).

General information[edit]

SoftwareMaintainerCategoryDevelopment statusArchitectureOCSHigh-Performance/ High-Throughput ComputingLicensePlatforms supportedCostPaid support available
AcceleratorAltairJob Scheduleractively developedMaster/worker distributedHPC/HTCProprietaryLinux, WindowsCostYes
AmoebaNo active developmentMIT
Base One Foundation Component LibraryProprietary
DIETINRIA, SysFera, Open SourceAll in oneGridRPC, SPMD, Hierarchical and distributed architecture, CORBAHTC/HPCCeCILLUnix-like, Mac OS X, AIXFree
Enduro/XMavimax, Ltd.Job/Data Scheduleractively developedSOA GridHTC/HPC/HAGPLv2 or CommercialLinux, FreeBSD, MacOS, Solaris, AIXFree / CostYes
GangliaMonitoringactively developedBSDUnix, Linux, Windows NT/XP/2000/2003/2008, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonflyBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX, IRIX, Tru64, HPUX.Free
Globus ToolkitGlobus Alliance, Argonne National LaboratoryJob/Data Scheduleractively developedSOA GridLinuxFree
Grid MPUniva (formerly United Devices)Job Schedulerno active developmentDistributed master/workerHTC/HPCProprietaryWindows, Linux, Mac OS X, SolarisCost
Apache MesosApacheactively developedApache license v2.0LinuxFreeYes
Moab Cluster SuiteAdaptive ComputingJob Scheduleractively developedHPCProprietaryLinux, Mac OS X, Windows, AIX, OSF/Tru-64, Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, FreeBSD & other UNIX platformsCostYes
NetworkComputerRuntime Design Automationactively developedHTC/HPCProprietaryUnix-like, WindowsCost
OpenHPCOpenHPC projectall in oneactively developedHPCLinux (CentOS)FreeNo
OpenLavaTeraprocJob Scheduleractively developedMaster/Worker, multiple admin/submit nodesHTC/HPCGPLLinuxFreeYes
PBS ProAltairJob Scheduleractively developedMaster/worker distributed with fail-overHPC/HTCAGPL or ProprietaryLinux, WindowsFree or CostYes
Proxmox Virtual EnvironmentProxmox Server SolutionsCompleteactively developedOpen-source AGPLv3Linux, Windows, other operating systems are known to work and are community supportedFreeYes
Rocks Cluster DistributionOpen Source/NSF grantAll in oneactively developedHTC/HPCOpenSourceCentOSFree
Popular Power
ProActiveINRIA, ActiveEon, Open SourceAll in oneactively developedMaster/Worker, SPMD, Distributed Component Model, SkeletonsHTC/HPCGPLUnix-like, Windows, Mac OS XFree
RPyCTomer Filibaactively developedMIT License*nix/WindowsFree
SLURMSchedMDJob Scheduleractively developedHPC/HTCGPLLinux/*nixFreeYes
Spectrum LSFIBMJob Scheduleractively developedMaster node with failover/exec clients, multiple admin/submit nodes, Suite addOnsHPC/HTCProprietaryUnix, Linux, WindowsCost and Academic - model - Academic, Express, Standard, Advanced and SuitesYes
Oracle Grid EngineUnivaJob Scheduleractive Development moved to Univa Grid EngineMaster node/exec clients, multiple admin/submit nodesHPC/HTCProprietary*nix/WindowsCost
Son of Grid EngineOpen SourceJob SchedulerMaster node/exec clients, multiple admin/submit nodesHPC/HTCVariousLinux
SynfiniWayFujitsuactively developedHPC/HTC?Unix, Linux, WindowsCost
TrinityX Cluster ManagerClusterVisionAll in oneactively developedMaster node/exec clients, multiple admin/submit nodesHPC/HTCGPLv2Linux (RHEL/CentOS)Free or costYes
TORQUE Resource ManagerAdaptive ComputingJob Scheduleractively developedProprietaryLinux, *nixCostYes
UniClusterUnivaAll in OneFunctionality and development moved to UniCloud (see above)FreeYes
Univa Grid EngineUnivaJob Scheduleractively developedMaster node/exec clients, multiple admin/submit nodesHPC/HTCProprietary*nix/WindowsCost
XgridApple Computer
SoftwareMaintainerCategoryDevelopment statusArchitectureHigh-Performance/ High-Throughput ComputingLicensePlatforms supportedCostPaid support available

Table explanation

I made the problem go away by installing java version 1.8 JDK and then had no trouble installing Eclipse after.i.e. Before installing MacBook-Pro:$ java -versionNo Java runtime present, requesting install.and after installing MacBook-Pro:$ java -versionjava version '1.8.0121'Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0121-b13)Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode). Download legacy java se 6 runtime for mac. I just encountered this in another Eclipse-based app on Yosemite and figured out (with help from the references below) how to get the app running without installing the legacy Java SE 6 JRE. Tldr; This error may indicate you don't have Java, and you can fix by installing the latest version of Java instead of the 'legacy' versionI received this error while installing Eclipse on a fresh MacBook with macOS Sierra, version 10.12.3, which apparently does not have ANY java installed.

  • Software: The name of the application that is described

Technical information[edit]

SoftwareImplementation LanguageAuthenticationEncryptionIntegrityGlobal File SystemGlobal File System + KerberosHeterogeneous/ Homogeneous exec nodeJobs priorityGroup priorityQueue typeSMP awareMax exec nodeMax job submittedCPU scavengingParallel jobJob checkpointing
Enduro/XC/C++OS AuthenticationGPG, AES-128, SHA1NoneAny cluster Posix FS (gfs, gpfs, ocfs, etc.)Any cluster Posix FS (gfs, gpfs, ocfs, etc.)HeterogeneousOS Nice levelOS Nice levelSOA Queues, FIFOYesOS LimitsOS LimitsYesYesNo
HTCondorC++GSI, SSL, Kerberos, Password, File System, Remote File System, Windows, Claim To Be, AnonymousNone, Triple DES, BLOWFISHNone, MD5None, NFS, AFSNot official, hack with ACL and NFS4HeterogeneousYesYesFair-share with some programmabilitybasic (hard separation into different node)tested ~10000?tested ~100000?YesMPI, OpenMP, PVMYes
PBS ProC/PythonOS Authentication, MungeAny, e.g., NFS, Lustre, GPFS, AFSLimited availabilityHeterogeneousYesYesFully configurableYestested ~50,000MillionsYesMPI, OpenMPYes
OpenLavaC/C++OS authenticationNoneNFSHeterogeneous LinuxYesYesConfigurableYesYes, supports preemption based on priorityYesYes
SlurmCMunge, None, KerberosHeterogeneousYesYesMultifactor Fair-shareyestested 120ktested 100kNoYesYes
Spectrum LSFC/C++Multiple - OS Authentication/KerberosOptionalOptionalAny - GPFS/Spectrum Scale, NFS, SMBAny - GPFS/Spectrum Scale, NFS, SMBHeterogeneous - HW and OS agnostic (AIX, Linux or Windows)Policy based - no queue to computenode bindingPolicy based - no queue to computegroup bindingBatch, interactive, checkpointing, parallel and combinationsyes and GPU aware (GPU License free)> 9.000 compute hots> 4 mio jobs a dayYes, supports preemption based on priority, supports checkpointing/resumeYes, fx parallel submissions for job collaboration over fx MPIYes, with support for user, kernel or library level checkpointing environments
TorqueCSSH, mungeNone, anyHeterogeneousYesYesProgrammableYestestedtestedYesYesYes
Univa Grid EngineCOS Authentication/Kerberos/Oauth2Certificate BasedIntegrityArbitrary, e.g. NFS, Lustre, HDFS, AFSAFSFully heterogeneousYes; automatically policy controlled (e.g. fair-share, deadline, resource dependent) or manualYes; can be dependent on user groups as well as projects and is governed by policiesBatch, interactive, checkpointing, parallel and combinationsYes, with core binding, GPU and Intel Xeon Phi supportcommercial deployments with many tens of thousands hosts>300K tested in commercial deploymentsYes; can suspend job on interactive usageYes, with support of arbitrary parallel environments such as OpenMPI, MPICH 1/2, MVAPICH 1/2, LAM, etc.Yes, with support for user, kernel or library level checkpointing environments
SoftwareImplementation LanguageAuthenticationEncryptionIntegrityGlobal File SystemGlobal File System + KerberosHeterogeneous/ Homogeneous exec nodeJobs priorityGroup priorityQueue typeSMP awareMax exec nodeMax job submittedCPU scavengingParallel jobJob checkpointing

Table ExplanationWeb camera dsb-c120 drivers for mac download.

  • Software: The name of the application that is described
  • SMP aware:
    • basic: hard split into multiple virtual host
    • basic+: hard split into multiple virtual host with some minimal/incomplete communication between virtual host on the same computer
    • dynamic: split the resource of the computer (CPU/Ram) on demand

History and adoption[edit]

See also[edit]


External links[edit]

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