
Excel For Mac How To Create Multi Level Category Labels

Multi-level category chart is a chart type that has both main category and subcategory labels. This type of chart is useful when you have figures for items that belong to different categories. In this article, you will learn how to create a multi-level category chart in Excel using Spire.XLS with C# and VB.NET. The screenshots below will help you see an example of how to use the Excel consolidate function: Step 1: Open all files (workbooks) that contain the data you want to consolidate. Kodi remote for mac os x. Step 2: Ensure the data is organized in the same way (see example below). Step 3: On the Data ribbons select Data Tools and then Consolidate.

Every so often the default axis labels aren’t quite what you want. You might want to highlight one of the labels by bolding it or using a different color. However, the built-in axis labels can only be formatted en masse. We’ll get around this limitation by hiding the built-in labels, then add a dummy series and add data labels, which can be individually formatted.

There are two techniques, an easy one for charts with horizontal category axes (line, area, and column charts), and a more involved one for charts with vertical category axes (bar charts).

It’s probably a good idea to review your old blog entries every so often. This is an upgraded article from five years ago.

Horizontal Category Axis (Line or Column Chart)

We’ll use this simple data to make simple line and column charts to illustrate this process. This same trick can also be applied to area charts.

The dummy series will use zero values. Add this data to the chart using any convenient method. You can select the chart and drag the outlines of the highlighted data range, if the data range is simple enough and you put the dummy data right next to it. You can copy the data and use Paste Special to add it to the chart. Or you can add the series using the Select Data dialog.

You can’t see the new series in the column chart, because the added columns have zero height. But there is a space for the bar next to the blue bars above the labels.

In the column chart, you need to change the chart type of the added column series to a line chart.

Format the category axis (horizontal axis) so it has no labels.

Add data labels to the the dummy series. Use the Below position and Category Names option.

Format the dummy series so it has no marker and no line.

To format an individual label, you need to single click once to select the set of labels, then single click again to select the specific label, then apply your formats.

But go easy with the formatting, which was overdone in these charts. You want to highlight one or two labels, not keep Crayola in business.

Vertical Category Axis (Bar Chart)

We’ll start with the same simple data to make simple bar charts to illustrate this process. The left hand chart in the pairs below is a plain bar chart. The right chart has had its categories reversed following the protocol in Excel Plotted My Bar Chart Upside-Down, which adds a couple steps to this approach. This approach works fine for clustered or for stacked bar charts.

The dummy series will use slightly negative values. Add this data to the chart using your favorite method. Select the chart and drag the outlines of the highlighted data range. Copy the data and use Paste Special to add it to the chart. Or add the series using the Select Data dialog.

Move the new series to the secondary axis, and make sure it’s a clustered, not a stacked, bar chart type. Never mind how ugly the overlap looks.

If you’ve reversed the order of the primary category (vertical) axis of your bar chart, and moved the horizontal axis to the maximum category (right hand chart of the three above), there are a couple more steps to be done here. First you’ll have to add the secondary category (vertical) axis to the chart.

Then reverse the category order of the secondary vertical axis and move the horizontal axis to the automatic position, i.e., zero (see Excel Plotted My Bar Chart Upside-Down).

Delete the secondary horizontal axis and the secondary vertical axis if you had to reverse it.

Format the category axis (vertical axis) to have no labels.

Add data labels to the secondary series (the dummy series). Use the Inside Base and Category Names options.

Format the value axis (horizontal axis) so its minimum is locked in at zero. You may have to shrink the plot area to widen the margin where the labels appear.

Single click once to select the set of labels, then single click again to select a specific label, then format away.

But pay attention to the rules. Use formatting sparingly, to highlight only one or two items in the chart. Remember, if you highlight everything, you highlight nothing.

How to group (two-level) axis labels in a chart in Excel?

For example you have a purchase table as below screen shot shown, and you need to create a column chart with two-lever X axis labels of date labels and fruit labels, and at the same time date labels are grouped by fruits, how to solve it? This article provides a couple of ways to help you group (two-level) axis labels in a chart in Excel.

Group (two-level) axis labels with adjusting layout of source data in Excel

Group (two-level) axis labels with Pivot Chart in Excel

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Group (two-level) axis labels with adjusting layout of source data in Excel

This first method will guide you to change the layout of source data before creating the column chart in Excel. And you can do as follows:

1. Move the fruit column before Date column with cutting the fruit column and then pasting before the date column.

2. Select the fruit column except the column heading. In our case, please select the Range A2:A17, and then click the Sort A to Z button on the Data tab.

3. In the throwing out Sort Warning dialog box, keep the Expand the selection option checked, and click the Sort button.

4. In the fruit column, select the first series of same cells, says A2:A6, and click Home > Merge & Center. And then click the OK button in the popping Microsoft Excel dialog box. See below screenshots:
And then the first series of adjacent cells filled by Apple are merged. See below screenshot:

5. Repeat Step 4 and merge other adjacent cells filled with same values.

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6. Select the source data, and then click the Insert Column Chart (or Column)> Column on the Insert tab.
Now the new created column chart has a two-level X axis, and in the X axis date labels are grouped by fruits. See below screen shot:

Group (two-level) axis labels with Pivot Chart in Excel

The Pivot Chart tool is so powerful that it can help you to create a chart with one kind of labels grouped by another kind of labels in a two-lever axis easily in Excel. You can do as follows:

1. Create a Pivot Chart with selecting the source data, and:
(1) In Excel 2007 and 2010, clicking the PivotTable > PivotChart in the Tables group on the Insert Tab;
(2) In Excel 2013, clicking the Pivot Chart > Pivot Chart in the Charts group on the Insert tab.

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2. In the opening dialog box, check the Existing worksheet option, and then select a cell in current worksheet, and click the OK button.

3. Now in the opening PivotTable Fields pane, drag the Date field and Fruit field to the Rows section, and drag Amount to the Values section.

(1) The Fruit filed must be above the Date filed in the Rows section.
(2) Apart from dragging, you can also right click a filed, and then select Add to Row Labels or Add to Values in the right-clicking menu.

Then the date labels are grouped by fruits automatically in the new created pivot chart as below screen shot shown:

Demo: Group (two-level) axis labels in normal chart or PivotChart

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    Thank you! In order to save space, is it possible to only label the first and last date in the series? I've tried changing the 'interval unit' setting under label, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on a multi-level chart. I also tried setting the middle date labels to spaces or blanks, but that completely confused excel.,
    • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
      Hi Kathy,
      There is another trick that can save space in the X axis in chart.
      Select the date cells in the source data, right click, and select Format Cells from context menu. And then customize the date format with the number formatting code m/d
      • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
        Thanks @kellyette, I'll give that a try.
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    I am trying to make a graph but I am not able to display data as I need it.
    I have 5 columns of data. first 3 columns are identifiers (date, location, product), 4th and 5th columns are to compare the sales numbers in a graph. However when I select the columns I only get location as vertical text on horizontal axis and date and product data is showing as horizontal text and gets all scrambled.
    I tried changing the text direction but it did not work. How can I have date, location, product information next to each other for each date, displaying vertically under each comparison data?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
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      Hi aj,
      Which version of Excel are you using? And which chart type are you creating? In Excel 2013, select 5 columns, and then click Insert > Insert Column Chart > Clustered Column, the first 3 columns will be added as x axis automatically.
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      I have this same problem. You can only rotate the upper level of labels. The 2nd level will always be Horizontal (or Vertical on the Y-axis). I can't figure a way to change it either.
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    merging cells makes the table un-usable. Might as well use powerpoint instead of a table.